
Recensione Softonic

Tastiera Android per la lingua kalmyk

Калмыцкая клавиатура (Khalm Keyboard) is an Android app developed by Argyn. It is a free keyboard specifically designed for the Kalmyk language. The app allows users to easily switch to the Khalm Keyboard and type in Kalmyk on their Android devices.

To enable the Khalm Keyboard, follow these simple steps. First, go to Settings -> Language and Keyboard. Then, check the box next to "Khalm Keyboard" and agree to the standard Android message. Next, in any text input field, long-press your finger until the menu appears. Select "Input Method" from the menu. Finally, choose "Khalm Keyboard" from the list of available keyboards.

With Калмыцкая клавиатура, Kalmyk speakers can now conveniently type in their native language on their Android devices. It provides a user-friendly interface and is a valuable tool for those who communicate in Kalmyk.

Please note that the developer's contact information is not provided in the available information.

Il programma è disponibile in altre lingue

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